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The trend setting Aqua fountain bathroom showers to make your bathrooms classy and hi tech

Gadgets and gadgetries are slowly engulfing the globe and more and more young and old alike are becoming addicted to gadgets. It has become a necessity in almost every walk of life. So how can our bathrooms be left far behind? These bathroom showers are furnished with all the buttons for different proposes. A german company Grohe has introduced these latest Ondus Aqua fountain designs in milan.

aqua fountain

Ondus Aqua fountain is hi tech bathroom shower with an amazing design and hi tech features all ready to hit the floors. It has an absolutely incredible design with full automatic controls. It has a back lit touchpad and a LCD display, and also specific temperature for water can be defined. And what’s amazing is that ”as if it was a music system” u can pause it and when u resume, it will have the same settings as they were when paused. So it means you can personalise your shower experience. Also it has the facility to set the duration of the shower so be assured of saving water as well.Grohe has brought in a digital revolution with these Ondus Aqua fountain bathroom showers So furnish your toilets with these trend setting showers and enjoy the experience. And be assured that new designs, new updates and latest fashions are going to leave you wanting for more.

Source : www.victorianplumbing.co.uk